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Churchill - War Criminal |
Aunque para mi y la posteridad su hazaña más infame fue sin dudarlo las salvajes campañas de bombardeos sobre la inocente poblacion civil alemana. Por supuesto Dresden es una mancha que le estará persiguiendo hasta el mismísimo infierno, que es donde seguramente estará en estos momentos. Leyendo estos dias el libro de David Irvin, La Destruccíon de Dresden, a través de sus paginas vas entrando en una dinámica de terror y sufrimiento en donde la inocente poblacion civil alemana eran las victimas más propicias para los designios criminales de Churchil. El martirio de la ciudad es algo que te deja el alma congelada. Hablamos de 150,000 personas achicharada viva con bidónes de gasolina y explosivo. Durante tres interminables dias de locura, terror y muerte donde se lanzaron en total 650,000 bombas, de ellos 15,000 bidones de petroleo. En el criminal ataque intervinieron 1,000 aviones. El periodico sueco Svenska Morgenbladet cifraba la cifra de muertos el 17 de Febrero del 1945, por encima de 100,000. En 1948 el cómite Internacional de la Cruz Roja mencionaba la cifra de 275,000 cuerpos identificados.
A consecuencia del alto calor producido por las miles de bombas incendiarias la temperatura llegó a sobrepasar los mil grados centigrados. Hasta las aguas del rio Elba que atraviesa la ciudad hirvieron. El causante de esta atroz carniceria fue tan cínico que dijo, La historia se portará bien conmigo, porque pienso estar entre los que la escriben.
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Casualties of Dresden |
I have always believed that history has been too kind in dealing with the Chruchill, in trying to cover up his most sinister side. The criminal career of this man started very early when around 1910 when he the Minister of Internal Affairs, presented a proposal so that 100,000 mental degenerates could be sterilised, and so that many thousand more could be sent to the internment camps. The objective of this cruel plan was to preserve the purity of the British race and at the same time avoid its decadence, in case these people decided to marry and have abnormal children. History has also tried to silence his involvement in the allied invasion against the Soviet Union in 1917. During this era, he flaunted the post of Minister of War. Its purpose was to strangle the growing Bolshevique movement. En 1919 he asked for permission to employ chemical weapons against the Arabs as an experiment. He said, "I am prepared to use venomous gas against these uncivilised tribes."
But his most notorious achievement for me, in retrospective, must be without a doubt the savage bombardment campaigns against the innocent civilian population of Germany. Surely Dresden will be a big speck that will stay with him in hell, which I am sure is where he is at this moment. These few days, while reading the book by David Irvin, The Destruction of Dresden, through the pages you find yourself entering into the dynamism of terror and suffering in which the innocent civilian population of Germany were the most propitious victims in the criminal designs of Churchill. The martyrdom of this city will leave your hearts frozen. We are talking about 150,000 people charred alive by barrels of gasoline and explosives. During three interminable days of madness, terror and death during which 650,000 bombs were dropped, out of which there were 15,000 barrels of petrol. 1,000 planes participated in this criminal attack. The Swedish press Svenska Morgenbladet cited the number of deaths on 17 February 1945 above 100,000. In 1948 the commission of Red Cross International mentioned the statistic of 275,000 unidentified bodies.
As a consequence of the high level of heat produced by the thousands of incendiary bombs the temperature exceeded one thousand centigrade. Even the water of the River Elba that traversed the city was boiling. The man responsible for this atrocious massacre was so cynical that he even said, "History will be good to me, because I would like to be included in its pages."
Una verdadera vergüenza y me permito acotar que cuando fue ministro de guerra durante la primera guerra orquesto todo para lograr el hundimiento del Lusitania para intentar la participación norteamericana en la guerra. Y el criminal del guerra que organizo la destrucción de Dresden apodado Bombardero Harris ya mucho antes de Guernika experimento con ciudades iraquíes el sistema de bombardeo de saturacion
ResponderEliminarSiempre es y por degracia seguira siendo de esta manera.La historia la escriben miserables como el sanguinario Churchill y su compinche Harris,un saludo,