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Syrian Helicopters fire from the sky |
Como si de la crónica de una derrota anunciada - así veo yo la situación de la dictadura Siria debido a que da la impresión que el problema se le va de la mano. El gobierno Sirio ha dado estos últimos días un salto cualitativo en su despiadada represión. Primero ha sido la ejecución sumarísima de 120 soldados que se negaban a secundar las órdenes de disparar contra la población. El segundo caso ha sido sin duda el más significativo. El gobierno Sirio está empleando un nuevo y contundente argumento contra su indefensa población.
La novedad en este caso es que no solamente los esbirro de los escuadrones de la muerte matasen a 150 manifestantes el viernes pasado 10 de Junio, sino que por primera vez se sumasen a la represión helicópteros militares, que de forma impune ametrallaban a los pacíficos ciudadanos desde el aire. Esta noticia ha pasado casi desapercibida en las cancillerías europeas. Como los avestruces han optado por meter la cabeza una vez más en la arena. Pandillas de cobardes y corruptos, que empleáis el garrote de una manera desproporcionada contra Gaddafi, más aquí en Siria os encogéis de hombro silbando y mirando a las nubes. Todos esperábamos que El Assad no daría nunca este gran paso en la escalada de la represión. Y menos utilizando los helicópteros contra su mismo pueblo.
Que equivocados estaban los que habían apostado y puesto su esperanza en este joven académico y experto oculista. Ahora resulta que este sicópata es mucho peor que su odiado padre. El Assad ha alejado más aun a Siria de la comunidad internacional. Cerró las fronteras a cal y canto. Ha bloqueado y censurado las nuevas tecnologías como internet teléfono móvil.
Por si esto fuera poco ha cobijado a la escoria del terrorismo mundial. Cuando en los países Árabes hace pocos días manifestaron su apoyo a la causa Palestina, el propio gobierno Sirio apoyó a grupos de exaltados autorizando su viaje a la frontera con Israel, pensando que esa maniobra distraería a su propia población del verdadero problema. La ilusión le duró poco al sátrapa pues al día siguiente volvieron las manifestaciones en su contra, por más que se empeñe en manipular a su pueblo. La verdad es que Israel nada tiene que ver con el actual infierno que están viviendo los ciudadanos Sirios sumergido en un cruento baño de sangre. ¿Tanto le cuesta a Europa ver la realidad o su antisemitismo? Les vuelve ciego ante los torrentes de sangre que brotan en las calles y pueblos de Siria.
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Syrian Protester |
Just like the chronicles of a pre-destined defeat - this is how I see the situation of the Syrian dictatorship due to the impression that the problem seems to be getting out of hand. The Syrian government has in the last few days elevated the intensity of its cruel repression. First it was the sudden execution of 120 soldiers who had refused to follow orders to open fire on the population. The second case has been without doubt even more significant. The Syrian government is trying to employ a new and resounding attack against its defenseless population.
The novelty in this case is that not only has the criminals of the squadron of death killed 150 protesters last Friday 10 June, but they have also employed for the first time military helicopters, from which they had opened continuous fire from the air on the pacifist citizens. This news has gone largely unnoticed in the European Foreign Offices. Just like ostriches that have opted to bury their heads in the sand. Bunch of cowards and corrupted officials, who had previously took out the big stick to punish Gaddafi in the most disproportionate manner, more so they should be doing the same in Syria. But they only shrug their shoulders, whistling and looking at the clouds. We all did not expect that El Asaad would resort to this step in escalating the repression on his own people and helicopters against them.
How erroneous were those who had placed their hope on this young academic and expert ophthalmologist. Now it seems that this psychopath is worse than his much hated father. El Asaad has isolated Syria from the international community. He closed the frontiers, bolted and barred the borders. He has blocked and censured the new technology like internet and mobile telephone.
As if this were not enough, he has given shelter to the terrorist trash of the world. While in the Arab countries the people had taken to the streets in favour of the Palestine cause just a few days ago, the Syrian government itself had supported the groups of protesters by authorizing their trip to its frontier with Israel, thinking that this move would serve as a distraction for its own population from the real problem. The illusion lasted for very little time for the dictator as the very next day the people returned to the streets protesting against him, as much as he would like to manipulate the people. The truth is that Israel has nothing to do whatsoever in this present hell that the Syrian citizens are living through, submerged in a blood bath. Does it cost Europe that much to see the truth and its own anti-Semitism? The torrents of blood from the streets and towns of Syria have surely blinded the people of Europe.
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