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Hizbollah Recruits |
Mi opinion es que se trata de un movimiento de apoyo para apuntalar al regimen Sirio, buscando un enemigo exterior, en este caso qué mejor que Israel. El gobierno Sirio tenía esta carta guardada y ha manipulado a las masas palestinas para provocar disturbios fronterizos con Israel en una maniobra que solo pretende silenciar las protestas del pueblo Sirio aunque la sangre derramada no será olvidada poniendo en primera plana este histérico show. Israel no debe caer en la trampa de la provocacíon, solamente debería defender con firmeza su integridad territorial. Todo este escandalo es en conmemoracíon de la Nakba o el dia de la catástrofe. ¿Pero de qué hablan los palestinos? Fueron los gobiernos arabes los que no les querían en sus tierras y hablando de catastrofe sería más lógico aplicarlo al pueblo judio, con sus 6 millones de victimas bajo la tirania de los nazis mientras el resto del mundo era indolente al genocidio.
La única Nakba real del pueblo palestino es haberse concentrado desde siempre en la destruccíon del estado de Israel y no en la construccíon de su propia sociedad. Esa ha sido siempre su Nakba. Por otra parte, cuando Israel se retiró del Libano surgió Hizbollan. En Gaza apareció Hama. Ahora todo el mundo está empeñado en que se retiren de Cisjordania. ¿Pueden adivinar quienes se van a instalar ahi? Israel no es tan estúpido ni masoquísta para dar este catastrofico paso. Como siempre, ocurre cuando las tropas judias se defienden y hay muertos palestinos por medio.
La izquierda caviar protestarán por estos crimenes según su odio visceral al pueblo judio pero callarán como ratas de cloacas ante las 1,000 victimas inocentes asesinadas por el Al Assad en Siria. ¿Qué apuestan Ustedes?
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Hamas Demonstration |
Just when the situation in Syria is getting more complicated with the government against the ropes, the incidents on the day of the Nakba have occurred out of the blue. It is very suspicious that the incidents have taken place simultaneously on the three borders of Israel, with Lebanon, Syria and Gaza. The coordination has been perfect, both in provoking the Israeli government and also in the spreading of propaganda in favour of the Palestinians thanks to the media of communication.
My opinion is that this is a distraction tactic and sign of support for the Syrian regime, while looking for a common external enemy; in this case who better than Israel. The Syrian government has been keeping this trump card and now has manipulated the Palestinian masses in order to instigate unrest at its frontiers with Israel. All this represents is a plan aimed at silencing the protests in Syria, but I doubt if the populace's memory of the ongoing bloodshed will be erased just by putting on this hysterical show. Israel must not fall into this trap of provocation; it should just defend the integrity of its territory with firmness. All this scandal has occurred to commemorate the Nakba or the Day of the Catastrophe. But what exactly are the Palestinians talking about? The governments of the Arabic nations were the ones that did not want the Palestinians on their soil. And talking about catastrophe, wouldn't it be more logical to apply this commemoration to the Jewish people and the 6 million victims under the tyranny of the Nazis while the rest of the world were indolent before this genocide.
The only true Nakba of the Palestinian people is their unending focus on the destruction of the state of Israel, but not in the actual construction of their own society. This has always been their Nakba. On the other hand, when Israel withdrew from Lebanon, Hizbollan took to power. In Gaza it was Hamas that appeared. Now the Arabic world seems determined to force its withdrawal from Cisjordania. Can you imagine who will be the ones who will take over the reins there? Israel is neither that stupid nor masochistic to take on this step. Like always, this will occur when the Jewish troops take to defending the land and when there are Palestinian casualties as a result of the conflict.
The armchair left wingers will protest against these 'crimes' as in keeping with their visceral hate towards the Jewish people but they will be silent like rats in sewers when it comes to the assassination of 1,000 innocent victims by Al Asaad in Syria. What do you want to bet on this prophecy?
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Hamas Suicide Bombers |
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