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Baby Seal clubbed to Death - Canada's barbarious side |
Año tras año observadores del grupo IFAW que luchan contra la caza de focas se encuentran con la desoladora visíon de focas que han sido apaleadas y dejadas sufriendo en el hielo sangrando, llorando, totalmente aterrorizadas. Esto es una terríble experiencia para dicho grupo de observadores. Tambien los limites de captura están excediendo a lo permitido por las autoridades. Nadie hace nada al respecto, todo sea por satisfacer las ansias consumistas del mercado internacional. Pues las valiosas pieles de estos inofensivos animales tienen su destino en las exclusivas casas de moda de Londres, Paris, Milan. Un asqueroso negocio que se transformará más tarde en lujosos abrigos que por ironia llevarán puesto unas autenticas Zorras en las noches salvajes de alcohol y cocaina.
Mientras la opinion publica es cada vez más critica contra este asunto las autoridades canadienses egrimen su ridículo argumento de que la caza de foca es primordial, pues los caladeros de bacalao están siendo devorado por las focas. ¿Pero qué esperaban? Pandillas de imbeciles! Después de todo las focas están en su habitat. Somos nosotros los depredadores de siempre, los que estamos de más. Toda esta carniceria para luego pagarle 20 sangrientos centavos de dolar por cada foca que asesinan, magro botín para el altísimo daño que originan. El modo de asesina es el siguiente. Rifle o el famoso Hakapik, un instrumento de madera con un gancho metalico en punta como si fuese un Piole, con el que les golpean repetidamente en la cabeza. Pero eso sí, son tan sumamente escrupulosos que evitan dañar la piel para no perder su valor en el mercado. Qué detallistas son estos rufianes!
Las focas son de sangre caliente como nosotros. Siempre están jugando, por eso es tan facil cazarlas a golpes, pues creen que los hombres vienen a jugar con ellas. Les dejo con algo que leí sobre esta basura. "La sangre brota a borbotones, los gemidos de los animales se elevan por encima de las soeces voces de sus asesinos. Los muy cabrones rien y se animan en la atroz matanza bebiendo Whisky barato, mientras en los inocentes ojos de estas criaturas se va diluyendo el paisaje que les vío nacer."
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Government sponsored killer - Canada's Shame |
The Canadians today enjoy a high standard of living, they are rich, tall and handsome. They are civilised people with a democratic government, everything goes well thanks to its uncountable riches. What need do they have to permit and support the abominable seal hunt? The hunt of these marvellous animals involves the efforts of thousands of crazy hunters. It is part of their culture in which they would compete in the most savage manner for the most unlimited number of pieces of the seals' coats. This is their main concern, in clubbing, skinning or shooting the greater number of seals possible and in the shortest period of time, and as a result it impedes them from verifying if the seals are dead before going on to club the next one; all of which makes for a great story at dinner time.
Year after year, the observers of the group International Fund for Animal Welfare that fight against the seal hunt, are faced with the vision of seals that have been clubbed and then left to suffer on the ice, crying, bleeding, totally terrified. This is a terrible experience for this group of observers. The limits of the capture of these animals have also exceeded the quota set by the authorities. No one does anything to change this, so that the demand of consumers in the international market can be satisfied. The coat of these inoffensive animals are of great value and will ultimately find its demand in the fashion houses of London, Paris, Milan. Such a disgusting business, where the seals' coat are later transformed into luxurious overcoats, that ironically will be worn by authentic BITCHES during their wild nights of alcohol and cocaine.
While the public opinion is growing more critical against this matter, the Canadian authorities are fending off these criticisms with their ridiculous argument that the seal hunt is essential as the schools of deep sea cod are being devoured by the seals. But what do they expect? Bunch of imbeciles! After all the seals are in the habitat. We are the ones that are the true predators like always. All these butchering just for bloody 20 cents for each seal that they kill, a meager amount for the immense harm that has been done. The method used in the killing is the following. By rifle or the famous Hkapik, an instrument made of wood with a metallic hook at its end as if it were a Piole, and this is being used to club the seal repeatedly on its head. But at the same time, the hunters will take the most scrupulous care in avoiding any damage to the coat so that its value will not be diminished on the market. These hoodlums sure take the most painstaking care in their work!
Seals are warm-blooded creatures like us. Due to the fact that they are always playing, it is very easy to hunt them as they think that the hunter have come to play with them. I will leave you with a passage that I read in regards to this abominable act.
"The blood is spilled, gushing out while the moaning of the animals rise above the coarse voices of their murderers. The biggest MOTHER FUCKERS will start to laugh and cheer during the atrocious massacre while drinking cheap whiskey, while the innocent eyes of these creatures lose their focus of the land which has witnesses their births."
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Nudist Protest in Spain |
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